Lacey Green & Loosley Row
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Red kite




Red kite


House names as they were in 1967. See what's changed and been built.

For current house names choose House-Finder above

Lacey Green 1967

Ardengrove 15
Appletree Cottage 103
Ashlea. 53

Belle View 17
Bennington 9
Bitfield 40
Blaok Firs 79
Bottle Catt 19
Brambleside 26
Byways 29

Cairndale 64
Cassania 33
Chamonix 98
Chegwyn 63
Chippins 65
Chorlton 4
Church Cottage 82
Clovelly 57
Coolangatta 88
Cornerhouse 107
Coronatien Cottages 94
Court Cottage 72
Cranleigh 3
Cromleigb 87
Crooked Chimney 111a
Crown Cottage 81
Currells Cottages 94

Datcha 99
Denbridge 91
Dry Hillocks 12

Eleanor 66
Erith 13

Fern Cottage 7
Four Winds 34

Glenroy 108a
Goodacres 24
Grace Cottage 71
Gracefield 60
Graham Cottages 92
Gransden Lodge 28
Greenhayes 89
Green Hedges 75
Grymsdyke 84
Grymsdyke Cottages 85
Grymsdyke Farm Cottages 83

Haven. The 90
Hets Loo 105
Hickmans Store 56
Highwood 97
Hillcourt 39
Homefield 35

Jacarranda 11
Jubilee Flint Cottages 31

Kenton 67
Kia 55
Kiln Cottages 96

Lane Farm 74
Leigh Cottage 8
Lime Cottages 104
Linden Leigh 36
Little Orchard 10
Little Thatch 111b

Orchards 106
Old Bakery. The 23

Park Cottage 80
Plumtree Cottages 18
Pond Cottages 86
Pond Side 102
Portobello Cottages 110

Random Stones 22
Robman 14
Rose Villa 30

Shellings 86a
Shona 101
Silvermead 62
Stepping Stones 27
Summer Hayes 61

Thatched Cottage 78
Tor Oottage 77

Vine Oottage 109

Warren Row 111
Wayside 16
Windyridge 1
Wembley Cottage 56
Westwinds 2
White Close 73
White Cottage 108
White House Farm
   (down Kiln Lane)
Willows. The 5
Wimble End 76
Woodfield Cottage 6
Woodgreen 25
Woodpeckers 100

Ye Old Cottage 59

Lacey Green 1967

Loosley Row 1967

Ashrigge 24

Bareece 62
Beechwood Cottages 30
Beggars Roost 56
Beverley 16
Box Cottage 19
Bunch. The 26

Carmia 67
Chiltern Breezes 6
Chipps 68
Clappins 34
Clarendon 5
Claris 12
Collins Cott' 36
Collins F'hse 43
Coombe View 63
Corner Cottage

Dumarii 88

Edgerly 89

Field End 46
Forge Cottage 77
Foundry Cottage 52

Gate House 31
Gizela 78
Green Gable 79
Green Hills 64
Green Pastures 18

Halfway 66
Harvey's Stores 38
Herriatts 60
Hillcrest 1
Hillside 75
Hillview (Lower Lane) 14
Hillview (Little Lane) 72
Hollands Field 70
Homeleigh 74
Horseshoe Cottage 81

Jasmine Cottage 27

Knockree 8

Laburnams 11
Lea View 87
Little House. The 33
Long View 71
Loosley Cottage 40a
Loosley Dene 40

Maplehurst 4
Mauroonn 3
Millstone. The 65

Northlea. 13

Ophelia 10

Penryn 73
Pine Bank
Plantation Cottage 25

Randalls Cottage 76
Redcaps 82
Rose Cottage 53c
Ruskins 7

Salmon. The 45b
Sprat. The 45a
Steephill Cottages 44
Sunnybank 15

Upper House. The 83

Windswept. 86
Waddesdon View 84
Woodways 1& 2 29
Woodways Cottage 28
Wardrobes House

. Loosley Row 1967