Lacey Green
Lacey Green & Loosley Row

Buckingham Council Community Board - A new way to tackle the issues that matter most to our community.

There is a new way to tackle the issues that matter most to our community - through Buckinghamshire Council's new Community Boards. The boards will connect local people, organisations and groups with the council to improve our local areas. The Community Board, which covers the North West Chilterns area, held an introductory meeting on 9 July to start this conversation. Over the next few weeks organisers will be getting people, groups and organisations in the community involved and helping to identify our key priorities ahead of the official launch in September. Everyone is welcome - read on to find out more about what the board will do, how it will work and how you can get involved.

What is a Community Board?

The North West Chiltern Community Board will identify the themes and issues that most need to be addressed for this area and create an action plan to do this, with working groups to look at specific projects and issues. The board will:

  • represent the voices of local people;
  • capture thoughts, ideas and suggestions in new ways;
  • enable local conversations about priorities;
  • identify needs within local communities and work to produce creative solutions;
  • explore areas of interest;
  • influence how decisions are made and public services are delivered.

How does it work?

Partnerships created in response to Covid-19 are enabling the new Community Boards to quickly get up and running. All boards have a leader, as well as a coordinator who makes sure local people, groups and organisations feel connected with the boards and the council, ensuring information is shared and views are heard. There will be a mixture of core meetings and working groups who will focus on a specific issue or local project. Core meetings will agree priorities, allocate funding and feed back on the plan of action. Anyone who wants to get involved won't need to attend every session. You'll be able to read the agendas and minutes online and can participate in the issues that you feel passionate about. You can join meetings, or take part in a specific priority or project working group. You can complete surveys, take part in polls or share your views.

Who's in the North West Chilterns Community Board?

The chairman for the North West Chilterns is Councillor Gary Hall, who like all of the boards' chairs is a member of Buckinghamshire Council. The North West Chilterns vice chair is Councillor Carl Etholen and its dedicated coordinator is Jackie Binning.

If you'd like to get involved, Email: Jackie Binning or visit Bucks Community-Boards

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