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Autumn Show 2024 -Pictures
Unless otherwise stated
all events
start at 8pm
in the village hall
and we are out
by 10pm
Anyone is welcome at events,
free to members
£1 to guests.
Incidentally membership
for the whole year
is just £5.
> > >
By all accounts a thoroughly enjoyable exercise
Apart from being an enjoyable hobby, gardening provides enormous pleasure, keeps us fit, helps the environment and can save or make us money.
The Horticultural Society exists to share gardening knowledge and provides an opportunity for us to show off our skills. To this end regular talks by experts are arranged on a bi-monthly basis.
The presentations are not exclusive, for example this year we have had a virtual tour of County villages and learnt about the Red Kites seen soaring gracefully every day over the Chiltern Hills. Sometimes we look abroad.
Interspersed with the talks are visits to gardens, public and private. Members - we currently have over 70 - also enjoy the social life./p>
For non-members to know just how varied our programme can be, you have missed sessions on:
The Changing Wildlife of the Chilterns
Alpines at 500 feet
Garden visit Gt Hampden
Roses and Sweet Peas.
Organic farm visit
Quiet please, don't impede my concentration,
I'm sitting in the garden thinking thoughts of propagation,
Of sowing and of nurturing, the fruits my works will bear,
And the place won't know what's hit it, once I get up from me chair!
I'm at the planning stages now, if you should need to ask,
And if I'm looking weary, it's the rigours of the task,
Creation of a garden is a strain, as you can guess,
So if me eyes should close, it isn't sleep of course, its stress!
Oh the leeks that I will dibble, and beans that I will stick,
The bugs that I will slaughter, and seedlings I will prick,
I'll disinfect the greenhouse, I will organise the shed,
And my faded roses, everyone I will de-head.
The mower I will cherish, and the tools that I will oil,
And dark nutritious compost I will stroke into the soil,
My sacrifice, devotion and the after care,
Will leave you green with envy, once I get up from me chair!
I will massacre the bind-weed, and the moss upon the lawn,
That hairy bitter-cress will curse the day that it was born,
I will rise against the foe, and in the fight we will be matched,
And those woolly caterpillars, they will curse the day they hatched!
Oh the branches I will layer, and the cuttings I will take,
Let other fellers dig a pond, I will dig a lake,
My garden, what a showpiece, there'll be pilgrims come to stare,
And I'll bow and take the credit, ONCE I GET UP FROM ME CHAIR.
January brings the snow,
Makes your nose and fingers glow.
February brings the rain,
Thaws the frozen lake again.
March brings the wind so cold and chill,
Drives the cattle from the hill.
April brings us sun and showers,
And the pretty wildwood flowers.
May brings grass and leafy trees,
Waving in each gentle breeze.
June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children's hands with posies.
July brings the greatest heat,
Cloudless skies and dusty street.
August brings the golden grain,
Harvest time is here again.
Warm September brings the fruit,
Sportsmen then begin the shoot.
Brown October brings the last;
Of ripening gifts from summer past.
Dull November brings the blast,
Then the leaves are falling fast.
Cold December brings the sleet,
Blazing fire, and Christmas treat
Kill them humanely - hey every bloke I know wants to go this way.
Fill a shallow bowl with the cheapest beer you can get and place where they are working.
Wait overnight - stay in the shed and finish the rest of the beer
In the morning bury them in the compost heap - I don't recommend finishing off this beer.
Did you know that the ancient measurement of a Rod, derives from the Anglo Saxon, meaning the length of a rod or whip required to manage a team of four oxon. In modern terms it is 5.5 yards. Barbed wire is still sold in 80 rod lengths.
An acre is 4 rods x 40 rods, being the area that could be ploughed in a day. 4 rods is also the length of a cricket pitch.
Perch or pole mean the same as rod, although these days we associate perch with chickens and pole with the nice man that fixes the plumbing.
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2024 Luke Cottis
2023 Alison Shreeve
2022 Alison Shreeve
2021 Alison Shreeve
2020 Simon Bolton
2019 Geoff Nash
2018 Geoff Nash
2017 Geoff Nash
2016 Geoff Nash
2015 Les Hazell
2014 Alsion Shreeve
2013 Les Hazell
2012 Les Hazell
2011 Alison Shreeve
2010 Alison Shreeve
2009 Alison Shreeve
2008 Alison Shreeve
2007 Alison Shreeve
2006 Alison Shreeve
2005 William Ludlow
2004 William Ludlow
2003 Colin Hobdell
2002 Syd Saunders
2001 Syd Saunders
2000 Les Hazell
1999 Syd Saunders
1998 Syd Saunders
1997 Syd Saunders
1996 Syd Saunders
1995 Syd Saunders
1994 Syd Saunders
1993 Bill Cleaver
1992 Bill Cleaver
1991 Bill Cleaver
1990 Kathleen Marshall
1989 Doreen Ellis
1988 Kathleen Marshall
1987 Miles Marshall
2024 Alison Shreeve
2023 Denise Cottis
2022 Alison Shreeve
2021 Denise Cottis
2020 Alison Shreeve
2019 Linda Taylor
2018 Linda Taylor
2017 Denise Cottis
2016 Alison Shreeve
2015 Denise Cottis
2014 Les Hazell
2013 Alison Shreeve
2012 Les Hazell
2011 Linda Taylor
2010 Linda Taylor
2009 Les Hazell
2008 John West
2007 Les Hazell
2006 Les Hazell
2005 Linda Storey
2004 Linda Storey
2003 Les Hazell
2002 Freda Dormer
2001 Michael Hardy
2000 Les Hazell
1999 Sheila Clay
1998 Les Hazell
1997 Linda Taylor
1996 Les Hazell
1995 Bill Cleaver
1994 Bill Cleaver
1993 Michael Hardy
1992 Bill Cleaver
1991 Bill Cleaver
1990 Bill Cleaver
1989 Daphne Spurry
1988 Michael Hardy
1987 Michael Hardy
for One Pot Plant or Plants in Flower
2024 Caroline Johnston
2023 Denise Cottis
2022 Denise Cottis for Orchid
THE CONNIE BAKER CUP - Best Rose Exhibit
2024 Nigel Rolfe
2023 Nigel Rolfe
2022 Alison Shreeve
2021 David Lawrence
2020 Leigh Axe
2019 David Lawrence
2018 Les Hazell
2017 David Lawrence
2016 Judith Woods Ballard
2015 Stella Boll
2024 Alison Shreeve
2023 Nigel Rolfe
2022 Kay Bolton
2021 Daphne Williams
2020 Geoff Nash
2019 Geoff Nash
2018 Linda Taylor
2017 Geoff Nash
2016 Geoff Nash
2015 Alison Shreeve
2014 Joint Winners:
Sandra Moore / Ann Springall
2013 Marion Hazell
2012 Jill Langlois
2011 Victor Lindsay
2010 Michael Hardy
2009 Linda Taylor
2008 Joyce Walker
2007 Victor Lindsay
2006 Joint Winners:
Jill Langlois & Alison Shreeve
2005 John Burnett
2004 Michael Hardy
2003 Doreen Ellis
2002 Syd Saunders
2001 Michael Hardy
2000 Doreen Ellis
2024 Gary Davies
2023 Denise Cottis; Adam Heeley; Gerry Whisker
2022 Lizzy Davies
2021 Denise Cottis
2020 Alison Shreeve
2019 Patricia Johnstone
2018 Alison Shreeve
2017 Les Hazell
2016 Geoff Nash
2015 Michael Hardy
2014 Michael Hardy
2013 Michael Hardy
2012 Alison Shreeve
2011 Michael Hardy
2010 Michael Hardy
2009 Michael Hardy
2008 Victor Lindsay
2007 Victor Lindsay
2006 Alison Shreeve
2005 Michael Hardy
2004 Brian Wicks
2003 Doreen Ellis
2002 Pam Lidgley
2001 Doreen Ellis
2000 Doreen Ellis
1999 Sheila Clay
1998 Michael Hardy
1997 Doreen Ellis
1996 Doreen Ellis
1995 Doreen Ellis
1994 Michael Hardy
1993 Doreen Ellis
1992 David & Barbara Chalkley
1991 Doreen Ellis
1990 John Spurry
2024 Alison Shreeve
2023 Alison Shreeve
2022 Alison Shreeve
2021 Alison Shreeve
2020 Alison Shreeve
2019 Geoff Nash
2018 Alison Shreeve
2017 Geoff Nash
2016 Geoff Nash
2015 Alison Shreeve
2014 Alison Shreeve
2013 Alison Shreeve
2012 Alison Shreeve
2011 Alison Shreeve
2010 Alison Shreeve
2009 Alison Shreeve
2008 Alison Shreeve
2007 Alison Shreeve
2006 Alison Shreeve
2005 William Ludlow
2004 William Ludlow
2003 Colin Hobdell
2002 Syd Saunders
2001 Syd Saunders
2001 Michael Hardy
2000 Les Hazell
1999 Sheila Clay
1998 Sheila Clay
1997 Les Hazell
1996 Bill Cleaver
1995 Bill Cleaver
1994 Bill Cleaver
1993 Bill Cleaver
1993 Bill Cleaver
1992 Bill Cleaver
1991 Bill Cleaver
1990 Bill Cleaver
1989 Doreen Ellis
1988 Kathleen Marshall
2024 Denise Cottis; Shirley Williams
2023 Catherine Tillotson
2022 Liz Patient
2021 Liz Patient
2020 Liz Patient
2019 Simon Bolton
2018 Adam Heeley
2017 Simon Bolton
2016 Joy Lawrence
2015 John Burnett
2014 Jane Elmidoro
2013 Denise Kinnard
2012 John Burnett
2011 Mary Lawrence
2010 Alison Shreeve
2009 Jill Langlois
2008 Laura Chapman
2007 Doreen de Grey
2006 Laura Chapman
2005 John Burnett
2004 Jill Langlois
2003 Mary Lawrence
2002 Mary Lawrence
2001 Jill Langlois
2000 Carol Dockerill
1999 Mary Lawrence
1998 Mary Lawrence
1997 Mary Lawrence
1996 Doreen Ellis
1995 Betty Harrington
1994 Margaret Davis
1993 Babette Green
1992 Connie Roe
1991 Connie Roe
Holiday Time: WINNER- Simon Patient
Poetry in Motion: WINNER- Simon Patient
Framed: WINNER- David Lawrence
Lovely Weather: WINNER- Elizabeth Davies
Chiltern Life: WINNER- Carol Dockerill
Animal Life: WINNER- Tim Colsell
Water: WINNER: Carol Dockerill
(also overall photosection winner)
Something in my Garden:
WINNER: Joe Ramage
THE JUNIOR CHALLENGE TROPHY (for entrants aged under 17)
2024 Charlotte Davies
2023 Charlotte Davies
2022 Becky Buxton
2021 Toby Woods-Ballard
2020 Taylor McComish
2018 Olivia Bolton
2016 Olivia Bolton, Charlotte Davies, Oliver Davies, Carla Galvin, Harry Patient, Poppy Patient, Thomas Patient
2015 Olivia Bolton, Oliver Davis,
Harry Patient and Poppy Patient
2014 Olivia Bolton & Oliver Davis