Lacey Green & Loosley Row
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Red kite





Red kite




Village Hall

160 square metres provide for a maximum of 150 people seated. Actual dimensions are 19.8 x 8 meters.

Also available - a meeting room 5.4 x 3.1 meters with a large oval table easily removed if required.


  Post Office     at the Village Hall.

Open Monday AND Thursday from 9.00am to 12 noon.


Opposite the Village Hall is
The Shop




Hort Society Spring Show
Saturday 22nd March, 2025

Staging of Exhibits 12.30 - 1.30pm

Download Schedule

SHH Ladies Pamper Evening
Friday 28th March 2025 @ 7.00pm

Lacey Green & Loosley Row Village Hall,
Main Road, Lacey Green, HP27 0QT

Licensed Pay Bar - Tickets £15.00 per person

a free raffle ticket and Glass of Fizz
Complimentary home-made lasagne, salad, French bread, fruit & shortbread.

Come and join us for:
an evening of sheer indulgence,
enjoy treatments from local therapists,
a bit of retail therapy and
relax over drinks with friends

Click for more information

SHH Fundraising in the Chiltern Villages for Four local hospices

28th June - 6th July

We hope that the whole village will join in this very memorable occasion. Events have been planned to suit everyone. Most are free. Some will have a small charge, and for some you will be asked for donations.

Sat. 28th June
All Day

Beating the Bounds
An opportunity to walk all or part of the 11 mile circumference of the Parish.

Sun 29th June 10am

Sun 29th June 3pm

Church Service
A normal Communion Service

Songs of Praise
Village Organisations or individuals can choose their favourite hymn.

Tues 1st July
to be decided

Pageant by St. John's School
This will be a ticketed event with a small charge of £5 to cover costs, presented by the Pupils of St. John's school.

Wed. 2nd July
11am and 2.30pm

Conducted Tours of Church
A chance to find out about the history of the church, and also the school and the village.

Thurs 3rd. July 7.30pm

Celebratory Evensong
A special service to mark the actual day of the consecration of the church. It is hoped that the new Bishop of Buckingham will attend.

Fri. 4th July 7pm

Conducted Tour of Church
See above. An evening tour for those who cannot come in the day.

Sat 5th July 3pm

Organ concert and tea
A chance to hear a professional organist playing our beautiful Samuel Green Organ. There will be charge for tickets, which will include drinks and refreshments.

Sun 6th July 10am

Church Service,
This will be the last day of the celebration. After morning service, there will be a Parish Bring and Share lunch in the Vicarage garden. Everyone is welcome to come and join in.

After Easter,

You will be able to obtain further information and book tickets on the St. John's Church website. If you have any queries, or would be willing to help in some way, phone 01844 345863.
Rosemary Gabbitas (Secretary to the 200th Anniversary Subcommittee)


Awaiting your event

Email: Leigh

Lest We Regret

Lacey no more, but green for ever,
This the link we ne'er must sever
With our vast heritage,
The lacemakers gone from the cottage door,
The hedger and ditcher are seen no more,
The bodger and thatcher are gone from the scene,
But their spirit still lingers in Lacey Green,
Let the mill stand - staunch reminder
That this is the realm of corn and the binder;
Of farm and forge amid tall beech trees,
Chapel and church and cricket teas,
And, if you know where,
beer straight from the cellar,
With maybe a yarn of old Tom Weller.
Lest the cancerous hand of industrial sprawl
Should spread its fingers O'er Grimsdyke wall,
Changing brick and flint into dark concrete,
Loosley Row into busy street,
Let's make the summit of our endeavour
That Lacey Green should stay green for ever.
W A. Bradley

History - New - Read about


+ +

Includes Loosley Dene
The Stores (Harveys)
The Old Post Office and
The Old Bakehouse in L/Green

Recognise Anyone ?

Coronation Party 1953

Miss Lacey Green (pictured) would like to know of anyone you recognise
Email: Rosemary direct with any information

Speen Helping Hospices
Now on Line - click-(SHH)
Please help support

Speen Helping Hospices raises funds for four local hospices - Helen and Douglas House for Children - Rennie Grove Hospice Care - South Bucks Hospice at Butterfly House - Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity

Community Boards
click for information
Where YOU can influence the Council


The villages of Lacey Green and Loosley Row are set together in the heart of the Chiltern Hills in an area of outstanding natural beauty where you can catch frequent sights of wildlife ranging from deer and foxes to the growing population of Red Kites, previously extinct in England.

Our Villages from the East
Our Villages
looking East

We also have a renowned School, numerous walks and the oldest Smock Windmill in England.


Notwithstanding, being a little higher up on a nice day the evening sky in the West remains blue long after sunset, the latter frequently being a view in itself.


New Residents Welcome

If you become aware of someone just moved into the Villages please e-mail: Mike Piercy. Names are not essential, just the address.

We have a comprehensive Welcome Pack delivered by Mike, full of local information which all new visitors have been pleased to receive. We also feel, and hope they do too, that this is a wonderful gesture.


Walking the Chilterns?

Link to Monthly picture list of wildflowers you can find locally.

Click to download artists Wild Flowers list of all you can spot.


Village Youth Club

Youngsters playing tennis

School Year 6 and up can join at the Village Hall

Download Application form , print, complete and bring with you to join the Youth Club.

Please help support your Youth Club, come setup and clear away occasionally.

Dates of Youth Club meetings
7.30 - 9pm

23rd February
8th, 22nd March
19th April
3rd, 17th 31st May

Membership £10 plus £3 per session and there is a tuck shop.

Members/parents can visit our Facebook Page

EQUIPMENT: We are always looking for kit for young people to entertain themselves. Have you anything sitting in the garage or loft you don't use and we can? Please use our e-mail below - need to be local.

Please email us at: Youth

Buckinghamshire Children and Young People's
Family Information Service

Lacey Green & Loosley Row

This Website,
Hallmark - the village magazine,
and the Village Hall itself

are all managed by
The Village Hall Management Committee.

If you have anything to include or say about Village matters then please inform us via the Contact Us page.


What you'll find on the site


This site started in June 2008 and continues to grow. It provides as much information about the village and surrounding area as one might anicipate people will want to know.

We welcome suggestions on content. Please use the contact us page for any contributions.

We have a Places of Local Interest page and a Hallmark archive - the latter is our village magazine and the later versions are in colour. We have pages for all the village clubs including amateur dramatics, a choir and indoor bowls to name only a few; an ever expanding History section, and for our Advertisers.

Can't find a house-name - we have published a house-name directory which we are updating - select House Finder from mainmenu.

So if you need something to do or someone to do something, its all here.

Village news and all the Club activities will be ever changing features so if you have nothing to do or want to plan ahead, check here first.


Winter 2008/9

Look closer - it's snowing

Lacey Green & Loosley Row

This Website,
Hallmark - the village magazine,
and the Village Hall itself

are all managed by
The Village Hall Management Committee.

If you have anything to include or say about Village matters then please inform us via the Contact Us page.

This website and its contents copyright © 2008-2025 Lacey Green & Loosley Row Millenium Hall Management Committee

Lacey Green Loosley Row Millenium Hall, Hallmark Village Magazine and this website are registered as Charity No. 259721